If you wish to add anything to our COMMENTS SECTION, please e’mail your comment to clanefestival@gmail.com and we will publish it on the website for you.
Looking over my experience of Clane’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival 2015, never in a million years did I expect to be asked to fulfill such a role. It was a great honour to be the Grand Marshal at this year’s Parade. I am not a person who likes the limelight. I love to see others being recognized. I would normally be the one in a costume making people laugh and smile. However, looking back over the week , in the village in which I have grown up , it’s true to say that the community makes the child. I have been honoured to represent my club in playing sports, as well as my parish and my country.
The people of Clane will always continue to support their own. I received such a warm welcome for being Grand Marshal which I didn’t expect at all. I would like to thank all the well wishers and friends of mine from Clane who are living far and wide around the world for their kind words. My time as Grand Marshal was surreal.
Thanks to Clane Festival Committee. It was an honour to be your Grand Marshal, 2015. I wish you continued success with the Festival and I will always treasure the experience.
Kind Regards,
Jenny Casey
Grand Marshal, 2015
We enjoyed such a wonderful time in Clane over St. Patrick’s weekend. The town was so friendly & vibrant with much to do for all ages. My daughter Malika had been invited up on stage to sing with Mary Byrne at the Westgrove Hotel and from there she was asked if she would like to sing at the Clane St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Malika was thrilled and decided to sing “Over the Rainbow” as it’s a special song she always sings for her little twin brothers. We got the most lovely welcome from the Lord Mayor and the Festival Committee. The Parade itself was amazing and truly delightful. We have stayed in Clane now twice at the beautiful Westgrove Hotel and we cannot wait to return. There’s so much to do in this area and not only has the Hotel great staff but they serve beautiful food too. The nearby Wallaby Woods Pet Farm was much enjoyed by Hassan & Hussein and their sisters also. The children can’t wait to go back and hopefully when the boys return from Great Ormond Street Hospital in the Summer we will take the trip up again to the beautiful village of Clane.
Love and best wishes,
Angie Benhaffaf & all the family (Cork)xx
April, 2015
I just want to congratulate you and all the committee on such a fantastic parade. I have to say I feel bad because I really underestimated the effort and work that people put into their Floats. It was so well run and the enthusiasm of everyone there was brilliant. If I am not in it next year I will definitely be attending! Well done!
Kevin Dempsey | Relay For Life Fundraiser
March, 2015
Well, well, well, ………. I love the “WE ARE CLANE” DVD! I hope you are selling these as I think a lot of people away from home would want a copy. I love it! It’s deadly, trust me. Because I am away from home I appreciate it even more, but I think people in Clane will really love it too. It has something for everyone. Has a video like this ever been done before? The Music/ sounds, the Graveyard, the bog, it even includes all the shops – old and new!
Congratulations on a wonderful job!
Aisling Millar (London) – 28/03/2013
On behalf of every person of the group,
I would thank all of you for your very warm welcome and your great hospitality.
It has been a great honour for our group to take part in your parade and for every one of us it has been a wonderful experience.
A special thanks to Mary for the brilliant organization of our stay.
Thanks to the Grand Marshal for the enthusiasm demonstrated to us.
Thanks to the whole population for making us feel part of your town.
Thanks again and we hope to see you soon.
Andrea Rossato (21/03/2013)
Gruppo Sbandieratori e Musici Besnate
Website: www.sbandieratoribesnate.it
Congratulations for the great music of the “Star of Munster” Ceili Band last Saturday night. The visitors from Italy who attended the Ceili were a credit to their country and community. Their behaviour was to be admired. They got into the spirit and participated with great enthusiasm. Your committee is to be congratulated for providing the Ceili for us, the dancers and to give the visitors a flavour of our traditions. Well done to all concerned.
Anne Greene – (18/03/13)
It is my distinct Honour and Privilege to have been chosen as the Clane St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival Grand Marshal !!
Truly, this will be one of the brightest stars in my sky.
Sincere thanks to the Festival Committee for making this choice.
It will be grand for my Wife (Liz) and for me to come (back to our second) HOME!!!
Edward James Patrick Kiely II (16/01/13)
Milan, IL
“The CD is great. Well done to all!!”
Celine Garvey (KFM Radio) (16/03/12)
“A huge Thank You for all the hard work on the Tír na nÓg CD. It is brilliant. It’s a lovely mellow CD. It worked out so well with all the unique sounds and talents of the artists. ”
Vanessa Burke ( 16/03/12)
” The circus was absolutely fantastic. My kids were sooooooo excited. Thanks!!”
Paul Whelan (19/03/12)
“Well done on a wonderful 2012 St. Patrick’s Day Festival.”
Marion Doolan (Londis)( 20/03/12)
“Well done to the Committee on all the great work. Terrific. The CD is fab!!”
Margaret Geraghty (21/03/12)
“Thank you so much for the Festival brochure, Competition etc. from Clane! It is so great to see those serpents on the job. Hope I get to go there some day and see the Festival in person.”
Frances (Fran) Peirce Clem, Bantam, Connecticut, U.S.A.
May 2nd, 2011
“Thank you so much for lovely day out yesterday
parade was v good – my first clane parade and was v impressed.
it was a great idea to hand out sweets & crisps while waiting for it to start – made waiting a lot easier
Thanks again”
Orla Fallon
“One of the best things that ever happened to the village of Clane” – Ciaran McCarthy
“Keep up the good work.This is what Clane needed” – Anonymous
“Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon in the G.A.A. at the Open Day on Sunday 16th March. It was very enjoyable” – Marie Kelly and the Nás Na Rí
“This year’s Parade was a huge event for the village of Clane and in my opinion was the best in the County” – Dessie Marron, Lord Mayor of Clane
What a lovely way to put Clane on the map and a great opportunity to bring visitors and tourists to Clane” - Native of Clane
“This year’s Parade was the best yet. Not just because of the great weather,but also because the theme of “Clane – Working Together was so apt. The many groups that participated demonstrated the wealth of voluntary and community organisations that add so much to the community of Clane – not just on St. Patrick’s Day, but all year round. The well run Parade was a credit to the organising Committee, and the participants are a credit to our town and to the strong sense of community that makes Clane a great place to live” – Paul Carroll, Chairman – Clane Community Council
“I didn’t realise there was so much talent in Clane”
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade and festivities were a tremendous success again this year. We Evergreens are indeed very proud of the lovely plaque which we won and which we have displayed in our room in the Abbey. The theme this year was so very apt and fitting -” Clane – Working Together” - The Evergreens
“Having a theme each year is a great idea and a lovely way of bringing people together”
“This is a great Family Festival, full of entertainment and excitement from start to finish” – Niamh Dunne
“I love the St. Patrick’s Day Parade photos. The children all look so precious and lovely and it looked like a beautiful day in Clane. I would love to watch the Parade in person someday” - Liz Kiely, Milan, Illinois, U.S.A.
“The Committee must work very hard to put this Festival together. It’s a credit to them all”
“Thank you and all concerned for a great weekend Festival” - Billy McAndrew
“Thank you so much for making St. Patrick’s Day, 2008 such a special day for us. It was most enjoyable and truly a memorable day. The effort and enthusiasm put in by everyone was wonderful. Thank you so much”. Janice and Trevor Torr, Durban, South Africa
“The Parade is an absolute credit to you all. You must be very proud of yourselves” – Siobhan, Clane
“My time as a judge for the Clane St. Patrick’s Day Parade was both exciting and entertaining. It was an honour to be part of a community who organised a great Family day out for everyone from Clane village and surrounding areas. With such a team effort involved, I am sure that this event can only go from strength to strength in the future – Thank you for the experience” - Niamh Hester, Kildare
“Is as Claonadh mé. Bhí mé brodúil ag féachaint ar Chlaonadh ag dul ar paráid Lá le Pádraig seo chaite. Comhghairdeas!” – M. Horan
“The images of the 2008 Clane St. Patrick’s Day Parade/Festival are simply great! Looks like St. Patrick bestowed a glorious day on Clane. Sure made me “homesick” for Clane. Glimpses of businesses along the street made me feel as though Liz and I were part of the crowd. It sure was a cool deal to include the vintage military aircraft. All those little kids looked like they were having the ultimate time of their lives! I cannot imagine that anyone could have been disappointed. I really got a special smile out of one particular shot (of the tractors). There’s a shiny red McCormick FARMALL (low-boy) at the head of the line. My Father was the Assistant Works Manager at the International Harvester FARMALL Works here (Rock Island, Illinois, USA). That is where this FARMALL Tractor was made! Kinda made me feel like my “Pop” actually got back to Ireland (as was always his dream). You can be sure that it won’t be long until Liz and I come to Clane to be
with all our great friends and share in this wonderful event. Until then….cheers to you from the U.S.A”. - Edward James Patrick (ED), Kiely II, Milan, Illinois
“The 2010 Parade was absolutely fantastic. The weather was great and we watched in awe as each Float passed down the main street in Clane. It was all very entertaining and the theme THE SOUND OF MUSIC was a great idea. Keep up the good work. Can’t wait to see the 2011 Parade!!!!” - M. Sullivan
“The vintage cars were my favourite this year (2010). Hope to see even more in next year’s Parade” - A visitor to Clane